Saturday, May 12, 2012

Top 10 educational websites for IIT-JEE online

Today i am going to publish the list of top 10 educational websites which shall help you to get success in IIT-JEE

To pass through the exam of JEE, you can depend on this online coaching center to help you with extensive course materials, test series, test papers, discussion forum and all. 

Register yourself with MATHIIT online coaching center of IIT JEE. Get facilities of online coaching classes, study material, online test and review of your performance through mock test. Visit this site. 

Get registered in this online coaching of IITJEE to perform better in your entrance exams. Take a look of this site to know about their guidelines and tips. 

Get online coaching guidelines that will help you score better in the entrance exams of IITJEE. Have test preparation, practice and online coaching solved question papers and mock tests from this site

It is  educational portal offering completely online-interactive-realtime resources and video solutions for preparation of IIT-JEE  

They provide online-interactive-realtime learning sessions, problem solving sessions, strategy sessions, counseling sessions from IITians

 It provide a unique system of IITJEE preparation that maximises student performance by synchronizing studies with Class 11/12.

It provide proper guidance to all the Engineering aspirants all across India, even in the remote areas so that they have a chance to show their abilities without being overburdened

It deliver quality coaching and guidance to bright students in their quest towards gaining entry into the hallowed portals of renowned educational institutes across the country. 

It ease the pressure on students by cutting down on travelling time and leaving them with more time to balance between school studies and JEE exam


  1. Great blog! I actually noticed you had posted on Immersive Eduation Initiative blog as well and was wondering if you had attended in the past and what your thoughts were on the GLS conference.

    1. Thank you alekhya........Sory i have not attended GLS conference
