Monday, March 14, 2011

World Cup and Exams: How to Set a Balance between Them?

The world is in the mid of the ICC World Cup. It is definitely difficult to keep this fever at bay. However you try to resist yourself from watching the match, you fail to do so. But can you let go yourself like this? What about the study and examination part of your life? You are in the mid of the annual exams as well. Many of you might be appearing for the entrance exams for graduation courses right after the final exams. So, what should you do under such a situation? An ideal answer should be to put 100% focus on the studies. However, this is something impossible. Hence, the practical answer is to set a balance between the regular exam preparation and cricket. You may find the following suggestions useful.
Take Breaks In Between the Studies: First thing in the morning, make a time-table, devoting 10% of the total time to watching cricket and tracking the latest score. Yes, only 10% as this is the maximum limit of time that can go without affecting your preparation for exams. It is scientifically proven that taking small breaks in between the studies improves concentration and grasping power of the brain.
Let the ‘Break Time’ in your case be watching the match and catching up with your favorite cricketers. Read continuously for a 1-2 hours with honesty, and then take a break for 20-25 minutes. Freshen up by following the match and return to the preparation of the exams. Follow such a routine and you will easily happen to set a balance between the two important things in your life.
The way suggested above is effective. You can give it a try. However, do not compromise with following a healthy lifestyle. Go out for walk or play for at least 30 minutes a day. This is very important to maintain a sound physical as well as mental health, which is in turn important for performing well in the examination. You can know more on how can you remain healthy during exams by clicking Sound health helps achieve excellent scores. Here’s wishing Good Luck to you and the Team India!!! Hope, both achieve their goals.
Team Topperlearning

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